ifuz.de > ifuz.de searches for X  > secret agent  ( > deutsch )
ifuz.de / ifuz.net
special agent(s) needed

As Special Agent for ifuz.de, ifuz.net, or associated projects you will make the world more beautiful in ...

- wearing unique designed clothes on parties, events, fairs, and everywhere else where top managers and film producers try to make contact with you all the time anyway. 

- you take over a part in a just designed Mini TV Series, a blend of soap and comedy, from where, quickly discovered, you will become infiltrated into the the Big Business...

- you become voice or face of one of the associated projects. A few hours work and you will be able to show off with audio recordings and pictures.

- you are unsure whether you are the right one? you speak with accent? you have a scar on your cheek? Perfect. A few 'individual' properties can increase the creativity in building your legend. Give it a try.

- your profit is in the symbiosis with the creative background of ifuz.net and associated projects. May it be the clothing which is unique, may it be musique or screenplays.
Of course it will depend on whether you appreciate the asthetics or not.
If yes you will be able to smuggle new concepts of love and beauty into the world of mean business and we together will lift the load of shabby cash from this plagued world...

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right today 
with the ifuz.de agent casting agents.
Don't hesitate, you're needed!